Friday, August 10, 2012

It is hard to find zen when the dog is covered in poop

What a week it has been! I am currently drowning metaphorically and literally in marking....seriously Officeworks called me last night and said can I hold off on using all the red ink and that they are out of red pens!  In the current state of marking madness my husband has tried and I emphasise tried to help me as best as he can. Each evening runs like this, pick up kids, cook dinner, mark, feed kids, mark, bathe kids, put kids to bed, sit down and mark some more. It is Parent-Teacher Interview (or as it is more affectionately known in education world - parent-torture night!) season at the moment, hence the mad dash to get everything marked so I have something to discuss with parents in their five minute interview.  Anyway enough background information......... the night before my Year 12 Parent-Teacher night I was frantically finishing marking my students' practice exams.....hubby is "watching" the kids...he really was in the bedroom playing with his recent eBay purchase of electronic Battleship. The kids are in the living room and for a while there was calm...until Miss 6 yells out......Mr 3 has just done a poo in his pants (we are currently toilet training).....Husband is very slow to respond to this cry for help and took me yelling "I am trying to get work done here! Can you deal with it?" for him to tear himself away from his game and help with the mess. So Mr 3 is dealt with....well sort of.......the kids are playing for about 10 minutes when Miss 6 screams "Oh My God, Mr 3 is rubbing poo all over Alice (Alice is the 10 month old Labrador)"....pass the bottle of red!

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