Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Holiday what holiday?

I have been back at work for three days, feels more like three it the end of term yet? Term 3 is always a tough term. It is dark when you get up, dark when you get home. Parent teacher interviews, interim reports and if you teach Year 12 the teaching of 20 weeks worth of content in 10 weeks. It has also been the week that has continued my thinking of OMG what have a I done? But I keep reminding myself it is about achieving balance and slowly chipping away at all areas that require my attention.

To give you an idea of how my start to Term 3 has been... I was under the impression that I had yard duty tomorrow. I work in a K-12 school and at lunchtime a secondary teacher has to help do yard duty in the junior school - always scary for me as me and little children isn't such a good mix - definitely do better with the older ones, but I digress. I also had a lunchtime meeting for a project that I am working on at the school. So as the diligent little bunny that I am, I send out the SOS email to my colleagues requesting a swap. After sending the email to the entire staff and after consultation with my head of department I realised that I in fact do not have yard tomorrow, nor do I have it even next Thursday...It is on a Monday Day 6...yep I am stupid! So I then had to send an apology email to the entire staff. On the upside I have learnt a lesson today....READ, Re-READ and Re-READ your timetable before sending an email. And to make things worse, my head of campus responded to my I am stupid email! If you don't know already, yes I do have blonde hair!

I have finally set up a meeting with my supervisor - yippeeee!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The OMG what have I done is starting to sink in....

I am at my next stage of my journey...WTF am I doing?????  I had lunch with a friend of mine today. I was her mentor many moons ago when we worked at a eastern suburban private school - which shall remain nameless. I am very proud of my protege, she is embarking on her second Masters someone with three I am a firm believer that Master degrees are like black shoes - one can never have too many! Anyway I digress.....She asked me today "Are you mad?" I think the answer is yes! I am starting to think what have I done? I can't do this.....I am a mum, wife, owner of a 7 month old labrador and a high school teacher - who has no time now...when am I going to squeeze this in...between 2 and 3am?????? But I also think it is stemming from the fact that I cannot get onto anyone at my university......seriously people I only have two days left of school holidays. I have been trying to arrange a meeting since our first meeting (in the first week of my school holidays - my school had three weeks) was cancelled due to both my supervisors being ill-  has anything been achieved since then? ...No! Maybe I am over reacting? me over reacting, never! But I feel that the time  I can give this course is limited and precious and I can't afford to waste time that is available to me especially in school holidays.  Anyway my anxiety levels are a tad high today - lucky I have stocked up on red wine.

To all my teacher buddies, enjoy the last two days. These holidays are the calm before the Year 12 storm.... I keep telling myself you will get through Unit 4 in 10 weeks, you will get through!  I know that between now and when the kids rock up on Tuesday I have two sets of SACs to mark, Unit 3 results to finalise and submit, write the Year 11 Biology unit plan (because if I don't it won't get done - I am starting to think I am too generous to some people!!!) as well as two middle school science units to write and prep for - nothing like leaving it all to the last minute!!!!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Student Card......

Today it all became a little more real....the collection of the student card. I actually found my very first student card on the weekend. I can't believe how young I looked or is that how much I have aged????? I was secretly hoping that the university still had my 1993 photo....alas no...Who would have thought the University of Melbourne would actually launch itself into the 21st century and require students to have a non-dot matrix photo....So I smiled with my extra chins - baby weight that I cannot has been four years...dear God please taketh away!!! and had the dreaded photo taken...I am going to be stuck with this horrid photo for the next six years...lucky this is my last degree and the card can be burnt upon graduation!

Friday, July 6, 2012

The journey begins today........

Today I finalised my enrolment for my Ph.D in Education.....I am now thinking OMG what have I done??????? I am on school holidays...always a difficult time. The teacher in me rejoices, the parent in me cries out and wants to know why can't schools be open 52 weeks a year?!?!?!?! It is also a time that I start to think, Yes I can do it all (teachers will know what I mean, it is like when you get towards the end of the year, senior classes are finished and you are only teaching middle school and all of a sudden you have time to do your job and you start to think...ooooo maybe I could squeeze in that graduate degree). So can I be a high school teacher, mum, wife and Ph.D student...seriously how hard can it be????? Women can multi-task, right????? This is the beginning of my journey........

My aim for this blog is for it to be my psuedo-shrink....I honestly cannot afford my shrink's current rates on a daily basis! (My husband refuses to get a second job - men). It will be a place I come to vent, rejoice and share my pearls of wisdom (for what they are worth!).