Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Holiday what holiday?

I have been back at work for three days, feels more like three it the end of term yet? Term 3 is always a tough term. It is dark when you get up, dark when you get home. Parent teacher interviews, interim reports and if you teach Year 12 the teaching of 20 weeks worth of content in 10 weeks. It has also been the week that has continued my thinking of OMG what have a I done? But I keep reminding myself it is about achieving balance and slowly chipping away at all areas that require my attention.

To give you an idea of how my start to Term 3 has been... I was under the impression that I had yard duty tomorrow. I work in a K-12 school and at lunchtime a secondary teacher has to help do yard duty in the junior school - always scary for me as me and little children isn't such a good mix - definitely do better with the older ones, but I digress. I also had a lunchtime meeting for a project that I am working on at the school. So as the diligent little bunny that I am, I send out the SOS email to my colleagues requesting a swap. After sending the email to the entire staff and after consultation with my head of department I realised that I in fact do not have yard tomorrow, nor do I have it even next Thursday...It is on a Monday Day 6...yep I am stupid! So I then had to send an apology email to the entire staff. On the upside I have learnt a lesson today....READ, Re-READ and Re-READ your timetable before sending an email. And to make things worse, my head of campus responded to my I am stupid email! If you don't know already, yes I do have blonde hair!

I have finally set up a meeting with my supervisor - yippeeee!

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